For publicity, please contact Courtney Link at
Letters to the New York Times
“Preventing suicide” 10/8/22
“The Human Cost of Job Loss” 1/20/21
The Best Way to Treat Addiction
Antipsychotic Drugs and Weight Gain 11/10/23
Letters to the San Francisco Chronicle
“Federal help needed” 6/13/23
“Screening not feasible” 1/26/23, response to “Keep guns away from the mentally ill”
“Keep BART’s parking” 8/7/22
“Expand psychiatric care” 7/13/22
“Change rules for detox” 2/24/22
Opinion Pieces in CalMatters
“When Mental Illness Leads to Homelessness” CalMatters, published 7/12/23
Republished in the Redheaded Blackbelt (Humboldt County)
Republished in the Santa Monica Daily Press
Publications in Psychoanalytic Journals
Book review: Motherhood in the 21st Century, edited by Alcira Marfiam Alizide, published in fort da, Spring 2007
Panel report: “Termination,” published in JAPA (2009): 1185-1195.
“Doing the work,” published in November 2023 issue of fort da
Laney Tower
“The truth isn’t free” Laney Tower 12/8/16
“From Pipe City to Tent City: a History of Homelessness in the Bay Area” June 2016 Laney Tower
Opinion: Laney Tower 2/18/16 [opinion piece re Rx costs for US vs rest of world]
East Bay Express
Alameda County Officials Say Repealing Affordable Care Act Would Be ‘Devastating’
“Smoke, Coke and Something to Come Back To,” July 2021, Inter-Connecting-Circles
“Search,” May 2020 Issue 8, Inter-Connecting-Circles
Letter to Poets and Writers
Response to advice column on fact checking, July-August 2022 issue